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Sunday, February 4, 2007

Why I Dislike PECOTA

  1. PECOTA is not very good at predicting what pitchers will do.
  2. PECOTA has the Giants finishing in 2nd place this year. Can't have that, can we?


Anonymous said...

While PECOTA may have us in second place, keep in mind that it's notoriously pessimistic in terms of projected outcomes. On that note, it can still be depended on if you're looking at it in a broad range, which is really the only way to view any sort of preseason projection in January/February.

P.S. I run the Giants Cove blog over at Most Valuable Network (http://mvn.com/mlb-giants) and I've added you to my links section. Hope this helps to improve some traffic for your site, which I thoroughly enjoy reading. Best of luck and Go Giants!

El Person said...

Thanks. As you might have fogured out, I also read your blog.

About PECOTA, the second point was more joking than real, but I stand by it all the same.


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